Marigold, French Double Dwarf Seeds
French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold is an easy-to-grow half-hardy annual that comes in a mixture of colors!
A perfect choice for decorating your garden beds with its vibrant mix of colors—these marigold seeds are simple to nurture.
Consider trying these All-America Selection-winning flowers!
French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold blooms very early on compact plants and bears a profusion of showy double flowers; three brilliant colors in this petite mixture: gold, orange, and crimson.
The vivid colors and compact size of French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold make them ideal for garden bed edging and patio planters, offering a beautiful accent to any outdoor space. Flowers bloom through summer until frost.
After all danger of frost has passed, sow in open ground well exposed. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. For earlier blooms, start indoors in flats, about 6-8 weeks before last frost. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. When plants are 2 inches high, thin or transplant. Before transplanting, harden off the seedling.
Planting Depth: 0.25"
Seed Spacing: Sow French Double Dwarf Marigold seeds roughly 6 - 8" apart.
Nutrient Care Instructions: Apply SUPERthrive once per week. Soak in solution of 1/4 tsp per gal for 15 min. or longer depending on size and type.
French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold is an easy-to-grow half-hardy annual that comes in a mixture of colors!
A perfect choice for decorating your garden beds with its vibrant mix of colors—these marigold seeds are simple to nurture.
Consider trying these All-America Selection-winning flowers!
French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold blooms very early on compact plants and bears a profusion of showy double flowers; three brilliant colors in this petite mixture: gold, orange, and crimson.
The vivid colors and compact size of French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold make them ideal for garden bed edging and patio planters, offering a beautiful accent to any outdoor space. Flowers bloom through summer until frost.
After all danger of frost has passed, sow in open ground well exposed. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. For earlier blooms, start indoors in flats, about 6-8 weeks before last frost. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. When plants are 2 inches high, thin or transplant. Before transplanting, harden off the seedling.
Planting Depth: 0.25"
Seed Spacing: Sow French Double Dwarf Marigold seeds roughly 6 - 8" apart.
Nutrient Care Instructions: Apply SUPERthrive once per week. Soak in solution of 1/4 tsp per gal for 15 min. or longer depending on size and type.
French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold is an easy-to-grow half-hardy annual that comes in a mixture of colors!
A perfect choice for decorating your garden beds with its vibrant mix of colors—these marigold seeds are simple to nurture.
Consider trying these All-America Selection-winning flowers!
French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold blooms very early on compact plants and bears a profusion of showy double flowers; three brilliant colors in this petite mixture: gold, orange, and crimson.
The vivid colors and compact size of French Double Dwarf Mixed Colors Marigold make them ideal for garden bed edging and patio planters, offering a beautiful accent to any outdoor space. Flowers bloom through summer until frost.
After all danger of frost has passed, sow in open ground well exposed. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. For earlier blooms, start indoors in flats, about 6-8 weeks before last frost. Cover with 1/4 inch of soil. When plants are 2 inches high, thin or transplant. Before transplanting, harden off the seedling.
Planting Depth: 0.25"
Seed Spacing: Sow French Double Dwarf Marigold seeds roughly 6 - 8" apart.
Nutrient Care Instructions: Apply SUPERthrive once per week. Soak in solution of 1/4 tsp per gal for 15 min. or longer depending on size and type.