Bean, Kentucky Wonder Pole Organic Seeds
Organic Kentucky Wonder Rust Resistant Pole Bean is one of the most popular pole beans for home gardeners!
Kentucky Wonder is an All-American Selections winner! This green bean variety is very productive and has fleshy, medium-green pods.
These distinctly flavored, tender beans are best when pods are harvested at six inches in length. As the name suggests, it is a rust-resistant green bean variety—a reliable source of quality produce!
Sow seeds when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Plant 2 seeds every 4 inches. Soaking seeds overnight before planting will speed germination. Thin to 1 plant every 4 inches when the plants have 4 leaves. Pick early and often to encourage production. Sow every 2 weeks until 8 weeks before fall frost.
Planting Depth: 1 - 1.5"
Seed Spacing: Sow Organic Garden Pole Kentucky Wonder Bean seeds roughly 8" apart in rows, keeping each row approximately 3' apart.
Nutrient Care Instructions: Apply SUPERthrive once per week. Soak in solution of 1/4 tsp per gal for 15 min. or longer depending on size and type.
Organic Kentucky Wonder Rust Resistant Pole Bean is one of the most popular pole beans for home gardeners!
Kentucky Wonder is an All-American Selections winner! This green bean variety is very productive and has fleshy, medium-green pods.
These distinctly flavored, tender beans are best when pods are harvested at six inches in length. As the name suggests, it is a rust-resistant green bean variety—a reliable source of quality produce!
Sow seeds when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Plant 2 seeds every 4 inches. Soaking seeds overnight before planting will speed germination. Thin to 1 plant every 4 inches when the plants have 4 leaves. Pick early and often to encourage production. Sow every 2 weeks until 8 weeks before fall frost.
Planting Depth: 1 - 1.5"
Seed Spacing: Sow Organic Garden Pole Kentucky Wonder Bean seeds roughly 8" apart in rows, keeping each row approximately 3' apart.
Nutrient Care Instructions: Apply SUPERthrive once per week. Soak in solution of 1/4 tsp per gal for 15 min. or longer depending on size and type.
Organic Kentucky Wonder Rust Resistant Pole Bean is one of the most popular pole beans for home gardeners!
Kentucky Wonder is an All-American Selections winner! This green bean variety is very productive and has fleshy, medium-green pods.
These distinctly flavored, tender beans are best when pods are harvested at six inches in length. As the name suggests, it is a rust-resistant green bean variety—a reliable source of quality produce!
Sow seeds when the soil is warm and all danger of frost is past. Plant 2 seeds every 4 inches. Soaking seeds overnight before planting will speed germination. Thin to 1 plant every 4 inches when the plants have 4 leaves. Pick early and often to encourage production. Sow every 2 weeks until 8 weeks before fall frost.
Planting Depth: 1 - 1.5"
Seed Spacing: Sow Organic Garden Pole Kentucky Wonder Bean seeds roughly 8" apart in rows, keeping each row approximately 3' apart.
Nutrient Care Instructions: Apply SUPERthrive once per week. Soak in solution of 1/4 tsp per gal for 15 min. or longer depending on size and type.